About Oruma
At Govt. College, Chittur, education was always long endless hours, not of learning by rote meaningless paragraphs in an obsolete syllabus but, carving out an environment for the bright minds from across the state and its neighborhood to converge, discover and learn for them. Life at Chittur College is a dream brought to reality for many of us, and YES, it is a paradise lost for all of us. A journey back to the good old days is always a hallucinating experience.
The college is situated in a peaceful patch of land on the banks of river Sokanasini, surrounded with a bosk of variety flora and fauna conjoined to a serene atmosphere providing an ideal ambience for academic performance and personality development.
Oruma is a brigade of the alumni of the college, who mastered the art of living a worthy life in their sojourn here between the years 1996 and 2006. They lived adoring the campus, actively participating in variety of activities like the College Union, Wall magazines, College magazine committees, NCC, NSS, Nature club, Science forum, Arts and Sports clubs and various other student movements. Oruma took birth at the banks of river Sokanasini on the 22nd day of April 2007 in the presence of about 65 ignited minds who foregathered as gallant Ex-Students of this college.
Oruma aims at creating a common platform for the alumni worldwide to meet, share, grow and give back to the college. It intent to bring together the alumni face to face once in a year by way of an annual get together so that the bond we partake is solidified and illuminated.
Oruma have launched this website expecting it to be the golden thread uniting us in the sole attitude of gratitude and love for our Alma Mather, all through the years to come. It will enable us to
• find out and discuss about upcoming and past reunions,
• View photos submitted by others, and add pictures of our own.
• Read alumni member profiles.
• Read, add comments and submit memorial pages.
Return to this web frequently, as we will try to update college and alumni news as often as possible. We rely on the active participation and feedback from you, to continue to keep this site relevant to your needs. Please share your ideas and suggestions, by mailing to chitturcollege@gmail.com
“A stage for reunion of Govt. College Chittur Alumni”
“To create a space for interaction for those who have came out of the Millennium Gate of Govt. College Chittur and to pay tribute to all our beloved institution and the teachers who taught us”
• To provide a common platform for all Alumni world-wide.
• To work with like-minded Alumni, and give back to the college, the student body, and the community-at-large.
• To establish and maintain a network of enlightened individuals, who serve as a productive resource to each other and to the community, in the spirit of mutual contribution and benefit.
• To foster an environment that enables philanthropic and entrepreneurial activities among its members.
• Promote networking amongst GCC Alumni world-wide and serve as a bridge between the Alumni the students and the college.
• Enable locating long-lost friends from college, to revive old memories and create some new ones.
• Share views on topics of mutual interest with other Alumni and bank on the collective expertise of all the Alumni
• Publish Souvenirs and other materials in print, audio and video formats for promoting the objectives of the Association;
• Contribute to the infrastructural development of the college
• Conduct seminars / symposia / workshops / discussions / conferences and other programs on relevant areas of academic and social interest
• Help student placement cell to be more effective
• Institute Scholarships, aid fund etc to promote merit and support education of the financially week students.
• To encourage establishment of similar state / national level GCC Alumni Chapters within, and outside India.
• Any other activities which the members of the Association decide upon to further the achievement of the objectives of the Association;
Membership is open to all those who studied in GCC
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